ReoAko equips rōpū whakahaere to play a part in revitalising te reo Māori in Aotearoa. By weaving te reo Māori into website content, te reo can be introduced to New Zealanders in an easy, educative and interactive way.
Talk to us about getting ReoAko set up for your CMS.
Guidance for content editors
Te Māngai Pāho, with the support of appropriate language expertise, has developed a user guide and [@tautoko]tautoko[@tautoko] plan for website managers and editors. This guidance creates a seamless onboarding process and helps editors choose the correct te reo Māori words to use on their websites.
Safely select the right kupu / Curated list of kupu
The available kupu are limited to Māori words already in wide use, ie. mahi/work. As needs and [$data-reoako-id=ngā-pūmanawa]ngā pūmanawa[$data-reoako-id] grow, so can ReoAko. We encourage users to seek the services and support of a language consultant to ensure the integration of te reo Māori is seamless and correct for their organisation.
Use your website’s fonts and custom CSS
ReoAko inherits your website’s fonts, and the interface can be visually customised to fit your website by editing its CSS.
Meets the New Zealand Government accessibility standards
ReoAko interface meets the New Zealand Government accessibility standard — The New Zealand Web Accessibility Standard 1.1, making sure te reo Māori is accessible by all.