Built and backed by Māori language and user experience experts for organisations and businesses of Aotearoa New Zealand. ReoAko and our team are here to support you.
Delivering your Māori language strategy with ReoAko
ReoAko is designed to work in harmony with your Māori language strategy, growing with your organisational capability and content needs.
Request new words as you need them
Easily request new words as you need them through our help centre. Māori language experts check requests before being added to the library. Better still, all new words become available to all ReoAko users – you too can help grow our collective vocabulary.
Curated library with definitions
Definitions are provided in the CMS so [@kaupapa]kaupapa[@kaupapa] editors can be confident they are selecting the correct kupu.
We strongly recommend that you engage with a [$data-reoako-id=pou-tiaki-reo]Pou Tiaki Reo[$data-reoako-id] throughout the process of adding ReoAko to your website.
A Pou Tiaki Reo can assist with:
You might have a te reo Māori advisor already in your staff or a contact you can rely on. If not, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo have a list of licensed translators who could assist you as the Pou Tiaki Reo for ReoAko.
Your Pou Tiaki Reo might also be able to help you write your ReoAko language plan and your Reo Māori strategy.
We recommend that everyone write a Māori language plan for ReoAko. This might already exist in broader reo Māori strategies in your organisation. However, it is good practice to consider what goals you want to achieve through ReoAko.
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori have created step by step guidance and templates to help you write your Māori language plan. You can find these resources in the Language planning advice section of their website.
This plan is designed to support the implementation of te reo Māori on your website and the goals you want to get out of it. This should feed into your organisation’s larger te reo Māori strategy and should be something that you review frequently.
Easy implementation for developers
Comprehensive documentation is available to help your developers get ReoAko operational with minimal effort.
System status
An up-to-the-moment system report confirms the operational status of the ReoAko API and plugin. Feel confident that ReoAko is functioning as it should and aids with any troubleshooting that may occur.
Informed about changes
The ReoAko plugins are regularly updated to ensure they remain secure, continue to perform well and as new features are added. Each release comes with a change log that keeps you informed by explaining the updates in detail.